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Natural Disasters

CFG Project by @V_Mayya

Given the recent wildfires in Australia, heat wave in Europe and other natural disasters over the years, my project will be exploring the impact and methods that nations have used to deal with the aftermath of such disasters. It will specifically focus on types of key natural disasters during the years of 2000-2022 (along with their magnitudes), events, number of fatalities, the recovery period, economic impact, support after the disaster and others.

The idea to create a project based around natural disasters was developed after reading the book ‘Extreme Economies’. One of the incidents described in the book was about how Aceh (a province of Indonesia) managed to resume its daily operations almost immediately after disaster struck. The economic resilience and methods the region used to dampen the impact of the natural disaster inspired me to create this project.

Since the project will be looking into major natural disasters during 2000-2022, data will only comprise of some major natural disasters where fatalities have been greater than 100 and some recent disasters with fatalities less than 100 (also due to difficulty in researching information related to all disasters during the period - particularly older data). Since this is also an ongoing project (as missing data during the period 2000-2022 will be updated as more research is done towards the remaining natural disasters), the output and analysis will be different for each individual as it is based on the amount of data collected.


The creation of this project is intended to:

Setting up tables, columns and ER diagram


ER Diagram of Database

COUNTRIES: country_unique_ID, country_code, countries where disaster struck along with their respective regions

NATURAL DISASTER TYPES: natural_disaster_unique_ID, natural disaster classification (earthquake, tsunami, wildfires, cyclones, etc.)

EVENTS: dates of natural disasters, country_unique_ID, natural_disaster_unique_ID, magnitude of each event

Note: Magnitudes have been determined on an integer scale by -

Data points with value NULL represent either N/A if magnitude is not measured in terms of an integer scale or insufficient data available.

FATALITIES: number of fatalities, species impacted (number of animals affected), dates of disaster, country_unique_ID

OTHER IMPACTS: number of displaced individuals/injuries, dates of disaster, country_unique_ID

RECOVERY: dates of disaster, country_unique_ID, number of days for complete recovery, method country used to deal with aftermath of disaster


  1. Table 1: economic damage in terms of total monetary impact/revenue lost by businesses (in billions of dollars), country_unique_ID, dates of natural disasters

  2. Table 2: disaster losses as a % of global GDP, country_unique_ID, dates of natural disasters

SUPPORT: organisations that have offered support during the aftermath, country_unique_ID

CREATE DATABASE naturaldisasters;

USE naturaldisasters;

Some of the tables will have primary and foreign constraints. The first table is for countries with country_unique_ID to uniquely identify all lists of countries. Creating and inserting data into the tables:

-- Table 1
CREATE TABLE countries (
  country_unique_ID INT,
  country_code VARCHAR(10) UNIQUE,
  country VARCHAR(150),  
  CONSTRAINT PK_country_unique_ID PRIMARY KEY (country_unique_ID)); 
INSERT INTO countries (country_unique_ID, country_code, country) Values (1, 'AF', 'Afghanistan'), (2,'AL', 'Albania'),(3, 'DZ', 'Algeria'),(4, 'AS', 'American Samoa'),(5, 'AD', 'Andorra'),(6, 'AO', 'Angola'),(7, 'AI', 'Anguilla'),(8, 'AQ', 'Antarctica'),(9, 'AG', 'Antigua And Barbuda'),(10, 'AR', 'Argentina'),(11, 'AM','Armenia'),(12, 'AW','Aruba'),(13, 'AU', 'Australia'), (14, 'AT', 'Austria'),(15, 'AZ', 'Azerbaijan'),(16, 'BS', 'Bahamas'),(17, 'BH', 'Bahrain'),(18, 'BD', 'Bangladesh'),(19, 'BB', 'Barbados'),(20, 'BY', 'Belarus'),(21, 'BE', 'Belgium'),(22, 'BZ', 'Belize'),(23, 'BJ', 'Benin'),(24, 'BM', 'Bermuda'),(25, 'BT', 'Bhutan'),(26, 'BO', 'Bolivia'),(27, 'BA', 'Bosnia And Herzegovina'),(28, 'BW', 'Botswana'),(29, 'BV', 'Bouvet Island'),(30, 'BR', 'Brazil'),(31, 'IO', 'British Indian Ocean Territory'),(32, 'BN', 'Brunei Darussalam'),(33, 'BG', 'Bulgaria'),(34, 'BF', 'Burkina Faso'),(35, 'BI', 'Burundi'),(36, 'KH', 'Cambodia'),(37, 'CM', 'Cameroon'),(38, 'CA', 'Canada'),(39, 'CV', 'Cape Verde'),(40, 'KY', 'Cayman Islands'),(41, 'CF', 'Central African Republic'),(42, 'TD', 'Chad'),(43, 'CL', 'Chile'),(44, 'CN', 'China'),(45, 'CX', 'Christmas Island'),(46, 'CC', 'Cocos (keeling) Islands'),(47, 'CO', 'Colombia'),(48, 'KM', 'Comoros'),(49, 'CG', 'Congo'),(50, 'CD', 'Congo'),(51, 'CK', 'Cook Islands'),(52, 'CR', 'Costa Rica'),(53, 'CI', 'Cote Divoire'),(54, 'HR', 'Croatia'),(55, 'CU', 'Cuba'),(56, 'CY', 'Cyprus'),(57, 'CZ', 'Czech Republic'),(58, 'DK', 'Denmark'),(59, 'DJ', 'Djibouti'),(60, 'DM', 'Dominica'),(61, 'DO', 'Dominican Republic'),(62, 'TP', 'East Timor'),(63, 'EC', 'EcuadorDo '),(64, 'EG', 'Egypt'),(65, 'SV', 'El Salvador'),(66, 'GQ', 'Equatorial Guinea'),(67, 'ER', 'Eritrea'),(68, 'EE', 'Estonia'),(69, 'ET', 'Ethiopia'),(70, 'FK', 'Falkland Islands (malvinas)'),(71, 'FO', 'Faroe Islands'),(72, 'FJ', 'Fiji'),(73, 'FI', 'Finland'),(74, 'FR', 'France'),(75, 'GF', 'French Guiana'),(76, 'PF', 'French Polynesia'),(77, 'TF', 'French Southern Territories'),(78, 'GA', 'Gabon'),(79, 'GM', 'Gambia'),(80, 'GE', 'Georgia'),(81, 'DE', 'Germany'),(82, 'GH', 'Ghana'),(83, 'GI', 'Gibraltar'),(84, 'GR', 'Greece'),(85, 'GL', 'Greenland'),(86, 'GD', 'Grenada'),(87, 'GP', 'Guadeloupe'),(88, 'GU', 'Guam'),(89, 'GT', 'Guatemala'),(90, 'GN', 'Guinea'),(91, 'GW', 'Guinea-bissau'),(92, 'GY', 'Guyana'),(93, 'HT', 'Haiti'),(94, 'HM', 'Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands'),(95, 'VA', 'Holy See (vatican City State)'),(96, 'HN', 'Honduras'),(97, 'HK', 'Hong Kong'),(98, 'HU', 'Hungary'),(99, 'IS', 'Iceland'),(100, 'IN', 'India'),(101, 'ID', 'Indonesia'), (102, 'IR', 'Iran'),(103, 'IQ', 'Iraq'),(104, 'IE', 'Ireland'),(105, 'IL', 'Israel'),(106, 'IT', 'Italy'),(107, 'JM', 'Jamaica'),(108, 'JP', 'Japan'),(109, 'JO', 'Jordan'),(110, 'KZ', 'Kazakstan'),(111, 'KE', 'Kenya'),(112, 'KI', 'Kiribati'),(113, 'KP', 'Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of'),(114, 'KR', 'Korea Republic Of '),(115, 'KV', 'Kosovo'), (116, 'KW', 'Kuwait'),(117, 'KG', 'Kyrgyzstan'),(118, 'LA', 'Lao Peoples Democratic Republic'),(119, 'LV', 'Latvia'),(120, 'LB', 'Lebanon'),(121, 'LS', 'Lesotho'),(122, 'LR', 'Liberia'),(123, 'LY', 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya'),(124, 'LI', 'Liechtenstein'),(125, 'LT', 'Lithuania'),(126, 'LU', 'Luxembourg'),(127, 'MO', 'Macau'),(128, 'MK', 'Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of'),(129, 'MG', 'Madagascar'),(130, 'MW', 'Malawi'),(131, 'MY', 'Malaysia'),(132, 'MV', 'Maldives'),(133, 'ML', 'Mali'),(134, 'MT', 'Malta'),(135, 'MH', 'Marshall Islands'),(136, 'MQ', 'Martinique'),(137, 'MR', 'Mauritania'),(138, 'MU', 'Mauritius'),(139, 'YT', 'Mayotte'),(140, 'MX', 'Mexico'),(141, 'FM', 'Micronesia, Federated States Of'),(142, 'MD', 'Moldova, Republic Of'),(143, 'MC', 'Monaco'),(144, 'MN', 'Mongolia'),(145, 'MS', 'Montserrat'),(146, 'ME', 'Montenegro'),(147, 'MA', 'Morocco'),(148, 'MZ', 'Mozambique'),(149, 'MM', 'Myanmar'),(150, 'NA', 'Namibia'),(151, 'NR', 'Nauru'),(152, 'NP', 'Nepal'),(153, 'NL', 'Netherlands'),(154, 'AN', 'Netherlands Antilles'),(155, 'NC', 'New Caledonia'),(156, 'NZ', 'New Zealand'),(157, 'NI', 'Nicaragua'),(158, 'NE', 'Niger'),(159, 'NG', 'Nigeria'),(160, 'NU', 'Niue'),(161, 'NF', 'Norfolk Island'),(162, 'MP', 'Northern Mariana Islands'),(163, 'NO', 'Norway'),(164, 'OM', 'Oman'),(165, 'PK', 'Pakistan'),(166, 'PW', 'Palau'),(167, 'PS', 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied'),(168, 'PA', 'Panama'),(169, 'PG', 'Papua New Guinea'),(170, 'PY', 'Paraguay'),(171, 'PE', 'Peru'),(172, 'PH', 'Philippines'),(173, 'PN', 'Pitcairn'),(174, 'PL', 'Poland'),(175, 'PT', 'Portugal'),(176, 'PR', 'Puerto Rico'),(177, 'QA', 'Qatar'),(178, 'RE', 'Reunion'),(179, 'RO', 'Romania'),(180, 'RU', 'Russian Federation'),(181, 'RW', 'Rwanda'),(182, 'SH', 'Saint Helena'),(183, 'KN', 'Saint Kitts And Nevis'),(184, 'LC', 'Saint Lucia'),(185, 'PM', 'Saint Pierre And Miquelon'),(186, 'VC', 'Saint Vincent And The Grenadines'),(187, 'WS', 'Samoa'),(188, 'SM', 'San Marino'),(189, 'ST', 'Sao Tome And Principe'),(190, 'SA', 'Saudi Arabia'),(191, 'SN', 'Senegal'),(192, 'RS', 'Serbia'),(193, 'SC', 'Seychelles'),(194, 'SL', 'Sierra Leone'),(195, 'SG', 'Singapore'),(196, 'SK', 'Slovakia'),(197, 'SI', 'Slovenia'),(198, 'SB', 'Solomon Islands'),(199, 'SO', 'Somalia'),(200, 'ZA', 'South Africa'), (201, 'GS', 'South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands'),(202, 'ES', 'Spain'),(203, 'LK', 'Sri Lanka'),(204, 'SD', 'Sudan'),(205, 'SR', 'Suriname'),(206, 'SJ', 'Svalbard And Jan Mayen'),(207, 'SZ', 'Swaziland'),(208, 'SE', 'Sweden'),(209, 'CH','Switzerland'),(210, 'SY', 'Syrian Arab Republic'),(211, 'TW', 'Taiwan, Province Of China'),(212, 'TJ', 'Tajikistan'),(213, 'TZ', 'Tanzania,United Republic Of'),(214, 'TH', 'Thailand'),(215, 'TG', 'Togo'),(216, 'TK', 'Tokelau'),(217, 'TO', 'Tonga'),(218, 'TT', 'Trinidad And Tobago'),(219, 'TN', 'Tunisia'),(220, 'TR', 'Turkey'),(221, 'TM', 'Turkmenistan'),(222, 'TC', 'Turks And Caicos Islands'),(223, 'TV', 'Tuvalu'),(224, 'UG', 'Uganda'),(225, 'UA', 'Ukraine'),(226, 'AE', 'United Arab Emirates'),(227, 'GB', 'United Kingdom'),(228, 'US', 'United States'),(229, 'UM', 'United States Minor Outlying Islands'),(230, 'UY', 'Uruguay'),(231, 'UZ', 'Uzbekistan'),(232, 'VU', 'Vanuatu'),(233, 'VE', 'Venezuela'),(234, 'VN', 'Vietnam'),(235, 'VG', 'Virgin Islands, British'),(236, 'VI', 'Virgin Islands, U.S.'),(237, 'WF', 'Wallis And Futuna'),(238, 'EH', 'Western Sahara'),(239, 'YE', 'Yemen'),(240, 'ZM', 'Zambia'),(241, 'ZW', 'Zimbabwe'); 

The next table lists the types of natural disasters along with a unique ID as well.

  natural_disaster_ID INT,
  type VARCHAR(40), 
  CONSTRAINT PK_natural_disaster_ID PRIMARY KEY (natural_disaster_ID)); 
INSERT INTO types (natural_disaster_ID, type) Values (1, 'Drought'), (2, 'Earthquake'), (3, 'Extreme Temperature'), (4, 'Flood'), (5, 'Landslide'), (6, 'Mass Movement'), (7, 'Storm/Cyclone/Hurricane'), (8, 'Volcanic activity'), (9, 'Wildfire'), (10, 'Tsunami'); 

Table 3 (events):

  date DATE,
  natural_disaster_ID INT,
  country_code VARCHAR(10),
  magnitude DEC(10,2), 
  CONSTRAINT FK_country_code FOREIGN KEY (country_code) references countries(country_code),
  CONSTRAINT FK_natural_disaster_ID FOREIGN KEY (natural_disaster_ID) references types(natural_disaster_ID)); 
INSERT INTO events (date, natural_disaster_ID, country_code, magnitude) Values ('2004-10-23', 2, 'JP', 6.80), ('2005-08-23', 7, 'US', 5.00), ('2008-05-12', 2, 'CN', 7.90), ('2011-03-11', 2, 'JP', 7.40), ('2011-07-25', 4, 'TH', 7.00), ('2012-10-22', 7, 'US', 3.00), ('2017-08-17', 7, 'US', 4.00), ('2017-09-16', 7, 'US', 5.00), ('2021-08-26', 7, 'US', 4.00), ('2007-07-16', 2, 'JP', 6.60), ('2022-08-01', 9, 'US', 2.00), ('2016-04-16', 2, 'JP', 7.00), ('2001-01-29',3,'AF', 5.00),  ('2021-09-07', 4, 'MX', NULL), and others; 
-- all data has been collected by researching into major natural disasters during 2000-2022 

Table 4 (fatalities - consists of 4 tables, each containing around 5 years data):

-- 2000-2005
CREATE TABLE fatalities_table_1 (
  number_of_fatalities INT,
  species_impacted VARCHAR(55),
  country_code VARCHAR(10),
  natural_disaster_ID INT,
  date DATE,
CONSTRAINT FK_country_code_fata1 FOREIGN KEY (country_code) references countries(country_code),
CONSTRAINT FK_natural_disaster_ID_fata1 FOREIGN KEY (natural_disaster_ID) references types(natural_disaster_ID)); 

INSERT INTO fatalities_table_1 (date, natural_disaster_ID, country_code, species_impacted, number_of_fatalities) Values ('2004-10-23', 2, 'JP', 5000, 68), ('2005-08-23', 7, 'US', 400000, 1836), ('2001-01-29',3,'AF', 0,150), ('2000-06-04',2,'ID',NULL,103), ('2000-02-01',7,'MG',1300000,722), ('2000-02-01',4,'MZ',200000,800), ('2001-01-26',2,'IN',10000,20023), ('2000-07-10',5,'PH', NULL,218), ('2000-11-25',7,'PH', NULL,48) and others; 

-- 2006-2011
CREATE TABLE fatalities_table_2 (
  number_of_fatalities INT,
  species_impacted VARCHAR(55),
  country_code VARCHAR(10),
  natural_disaster_ID INT,
  date DATE, 
  CONSTRAINT FK_country_code_fata2 FOREIGN KEY (country_code) references countries(country_code),
  CONSTRAINT FK_natural_disaster_ID_fata2 FOREIGN KEY (natural_disaster_ID) references types(natural_disaster_ID)); 
INSERT INTO fatalities_table_2 (date, natural_disaster_ID, country_code, species_impacted, number_of_fatalities) Values ('2007-07-16', 2, 'JP', NULL, 11), ('2008-05-12', 2, 'CN', 13500000, 87587), ('2010-04-01', 3, 'RU', NULL, 55000), ('2010-08-15', 9, 'BO', 2300000, NULL), and others; 

-- 2012-2017
CREATE TABLE fatalities_table_3 (
  number_of_fatalities INT,
  species_impacted VARCHAR(55),
  country_code VARCHAR(10),
  natural_disaster_ID INT,
  date DATE, 
  CONSTRAINT FK_country_code_fata3 FOREIGN KEY (country_code) references countries(country_code),
  CONSTRAINT FK_natural_disaster_ID_fata3 FOREIGN KEY (natural_disaster_ID) references types(natural_disaster_ID)); 

INSERT INTO fatalities_table_3 (date, natural_disaster_ID, country_code, species_impacted, number_of_fatalities) Values ('2012-10-22', 7, 'US', 5000, 233), ('2013-06-17', 5, 'IN', 18000, 6054), ('2014-04-01', 2, 'CL', NULL, 6), and others; 

-- 2018-2022
CREATE TABLE fatalities_table_4 (
  number_of_fatalities INT,
  species_impacted VARCHAR(55),
  country_code VARCHAR(10),
  natural_disaster_ID INT,
  date DATE, 
  CONSTRAINT FK_country_code_fata4 FOREIGN KEY (country_code) references countries(country_code),
  CONSTRAINT FK_natural_disaster_ID_fata4 FOREIGN KEY (natural_disaster_ID) references types(natural_disaster_ID)); 
 INSERT INTO fatalities_table_4 (date, natural_disaster_ID, country_code, species_impacted, number_of_fatalities) Values ('2022-08-01', 9, 'US', NULL, 2), ('2021-08-26', 7, 'US', 200, 107), ('2021-09-07', 4, 'MX', 0, 17), ('2021-04-04', 4, 'ID', 170, 41), ('2021-10-15', 2, 'ID', 0, 4), ('2022-06-18', 4, 'IN', NULL, 18) and others;

Table 5 (other impacts):

CREATE TABLE other_impacts (
  date DATE,
  country_code VARCHAR(10),
  displaced_or_injured INT, 
  CONSTRAINT FK_country_code_impacts FOREIGN KEY (country_code) references countries(country_code)); 
INSERT INTO other_impacts (date, country_code, displaced_or_injured) Values ('2004-10-23','JP', 4805), ('2007-07-16','JP', 1120), ('2022-08-01','US', 2500), ('2005-08-23','US', 2000), ('2008-05-12', 'CN', 393035), ('2011-03-11', 'JP', 348798), ('2011-07-25', 'TH', 13600000), ('2012-10-22', 'US', 1000), ('2017-08-17', 'US', 30000), ('2017-09-16', 'US', 2000000), ('2021-08-26', 'US', 14000), ('2016-04-16', 'JP', 3129), ('2001-01-29','AF',108000), ('2021-09-07', 'MX', 0), and others; 

Table 6 (recovery):

CREATE TABLE recovery (
  date DATE,
  country_code VARCHAR(10),
  days_to_recover INT,
  method_to_deal_with_disaster VARCHAR(5000), 
  CONSTRAINT FK_country_code_recovery FOREIGN KEY (country_code) references countries(country_code));  
INSERT INTO recovery (date, country_code, days_to_recover, method_to_deal_with_disaster) Values ('2004-10-23','JP', 365, 'Evacuate residents + Donation fund by Nomura Group + others'), ('2007-07-16','JP', 35, 'Data gathering using geographic information systems helped governmental agencies identify highest priority needs and direct resources + 160 billion Yen recovery fund + 19,926 volunteers + companies provided industry-specific mutual aid'), ('2022-08-01','US', NULL, 'Evacuate residents + Government assistance such as disaster unemployment assistance + Others'), ('2005-08-23','US', 550, 'Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) preparation + volunteers + Joint Task Force (JTF) Katrina troops + housing assistance'), ('2008-05-12', 'CN', 730, 'Optimization of the urban layout during reconstruction + Provision of Health services + 300 billion yuan by government + Others'), ('2011-03-11', 'JP', 3650, 'Mobilized Self-Defence Forces + $1 billion donation fund by Japanese Red Cross + others'), ('2011-07-25', 'TH', 365, '24/7 Emergency Operation Center for Flood, Storm and Landslide + Extra flood-relief budgets/funds + Volunteers +  Flood Relief Operations Center (FROC) + Others' ), ('2012-10-22', 'US', 1095, '$17 million fund for American Red Cross + News Corporation donated $1 million + United Nations and World Food Programme: humanitarian aid + Others'), and others; 

Tables 7 and 8 (economic impact):

CREATE TABLE economic_impact_1 (
  total_monetary_impact DEC(10,3),
  date DATE,
  country_code VARCHAR(10), 
  CONSTRAINT FK_country_code_econ1 FOREIGN KEY (country_code) references countries(country_code));  
INSERT INTO economic_impact_1 (total_monetary_impact, date, country_code) Values (40.0, '2004-10-23', 'JP'), (173.0, '2005-08-23', 'US'), (107.0,'2008-05-12', 'CN'), (253.0, '2011-03-11', 'JP'), (48.0, '2011-07-25', 'TH'), (59.0, '2012-10-22', 'US'), (105.0, '2017-08-17', 'US'), (75.0, '2017-09-16', 'US'), (63.0, '2017-08-30', 'US'), (65.0, '2021-08-26', 'US') and others; 
 CREATE TABLE economic_impact_2 (
  percentage_of_global_GDP DEC(10,2),
  region VARCHAR(100)); 
INSERT INTO economic_impact_2 (region, percentage_of_global_GDP) Values ('World', 4.0), ('Europe', 0.7), ('Latin America and Caribbean', 3.0), ('North America', 4.1), ('East Asia and Pacific', 4.7), ('Sub-Saharan Africa', 6.1), ('Middle East and North Africa', 5.7), ('Central Asia', 6.6), ('South Asia', 15);

Table 9 (support):

CREATE TABLE support (
  organisations VARCHAR(500),
  country_unique_ID INT, 
  CONSTRAINT FK_country_ID_support FOREIGN KEY (country_unique_ID) references countries(country_unique_ID)); 
INSERT INTO support (country_unique_ID, organisations) Values (108, 'Nomura Group + Japanese Red Cross Others'), (228, 'Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) + American Red Cross + News Corporation + United Nations and World Food Programme + Others'), (214, 'Flood Relief Operations Centre (FROC) + Others' ), (1, 'WFP and OCHA: relief materials +Others'), (129, 'UNICEF supplies + World Food Programme +  Organisation of African Unity + Others'), (101, 'Red Cross Support + BNPB food packages + Others'), (100, 'World Bank and the Asian Development Bank: loans + Nehru Institute of Mountaineering (NIM): Rebuilding Kedarnath + Others'), (65, 'USAID + Others'), (200,'International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) + South African Red Cross Society (SARCS) + Others') and others; 

Creating a trigger to capitalise organisations:

CREATE TRIGGER organisations_trig
BEFORE INSERT on support
SET NEW.organisations = CONCAT(UPPER(SUBSTRING(NEW.organisations,1,1)),LOWER(SUBSTRING(NEW.organisations,2))); 

Generating a stored function to produce magnitude scales for all disasters from 2000-2022:

CREATE FUNCTION magnitude_scale(
	natural_disaster_ID INT
    DECLARE mag_scale VARCHAR(150);
	  IF natural_disaster_ID = 1 THEN SET mag_scale = 'Palmer Drought Severity Index';
    ELSEIF natural_disaster_ID = 2 THEN SET mag_scale = 'Earthquake Magnitude Scale';
    ELSEIF natural_disaster_ID = 3 THEN SET mag_scale = 'Heat Wave Magnitude Index or Others';
    ELSEIF natural_disaster_ID = 4 THEN SET mag_scale = 'Flood magnitude scale or log (Duration × Severity × Area Affected)';
    ELSEIF natural_disaster_ID = 5 THEN SET mag_scale = 'Others';
    ELSEIF natural_disaster_ID = 6 THEN SET mag_scale = 'Others';
    ELSEIF natural_disaster_ID = 7 THEN SET mag_scale = 'Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale';
    ELSEIF natural_disaster_ID = 8 THEN SET mag_scale = 'Volcanic Exposivity Index';
    ELSEIF natural_disaster_ID = 9 THEN SET mag_scale = 'Integer Classes (for purpose of data analysis)';
    ELSEIF natural_disaster_ID = 10 THEN SET mag_scale = 'Richter Scale/Tsunami or Seismic Magnitude Scale';
    END IF; 
    Return mag_scale;

SELECT date, natural_disaster_ID, magnitude, magnitude_scale(natural_disaster_ID) AS 'Magnitude Scale' FROM events; 

The resulting output (part of it) from the events table is:

Stored Function (partly)

Queries for Data Analysis

SELECT SUM(total_monetary_impact) AS 'Total Monetary Impact', country_code FROM economic_impact_1 WHERE country_code = 'JP';

Based on the locations of countries that have faced the greatest economic impact in terms of monetary damage over the years of 2000-2022, economic resilience of the country can be analysed by comparing economic indicators of the country (in terms of GDP and other indices) to other countries along with the data that results from the query.

If a country has been able to sustain its economy well despite large monetary damages due to natural disasters, other countries can try utilising methods the country has used to cope with the aftermath of the disaster.

In the case of Japan, total economic damage of major natural disasters during the period was around 300.5 billion dollars. Learning more about Japan’s economic resilience can help other countries build plans and policies to deal with such issues.

To find out about the economic impact by country:

SELECT SUM(total_monetary_impact) AS 'Total Monetary Impact', country_code FROM economic_impact_1 GROUP BY country_code ORDER BY SUM(total_monetary_impact) DESC;

Economic Impact 1

SELECT percentage_of_global_GDP, region FROM economic_impact_2 ORDER BY percentage_of_global_GDP desc; 

Economic Impact 2

The data demonstrates how the impact of climate change that has resulted in natural disasters has had varying effects based on different regions. According to S&P Global Ratings, South Asia is around 10 times more exposed to the economic impact of climate change compared to Europe. ‘Climate change could see 4% of global annual economic output lost by 2050 and hit many poorer parts of the world disproportionately hard, a new study of 135 countries has estimated.’ By ordering the data, it can observed that South Asia has the highest disaster losses as a % of GDP with Central Asia just below.

All of these facts highlight the importance of dealing with climate change and economic support that must be offered to Asian economies. It is difficult to find a solution that can be used for all regions. However, certain measures such as bringing about awareness of disaster risk management, analysing certain impacts (job losses, tax revenue loss and others), developing strategic plans considering various stakeholders and others can help mitigate the impact.

There has been a lot of research done in this area:

-- Maximum number of fatalities
-- 1. Create View to use for later 
CREATE VIEW max_fatalities_by_country AS 
(SELECT MAX(number_of_fatalities) AS 'max_number_of_fatalities_by_country', country_code FROM ((SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_1) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_2) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_3) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_4)) AS all_fatalities_table GROUP BY country_code ORDER BY MAX(number_of_fatalities) desc); 

-- 2. Select country with maximum number of fatalities during 2000-2022
SELECT * FROM max_fatalities_by_country LIMIT 1; 

--Minimum number of fatalities
-- 1. Create View to use for later 
CREATE VIEW min_fatalities_by_country AS 
(SELECT MIN(number_of_fatalities) AS 'min_number_of_fatalities_by_country', country_code FROM ((SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_1) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_2) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_3) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_4)) AS all_fatalities_table GROUP BY country_code ORDER BY MIN(number_of_fatalities) asc); 

-- 2. Select country with maximum number of fatalities during 2000-2022
SELECT * FROM min_fatalities_by_country LIMIT 1;

Given the amount of data collected, currently, the country with maximum fatalities is China (87,587).

-- Total number of animals impacted by moderate to severe earthquakes by country (where number of animals affected is greater than 100) 
CREATE VIEW species_impacted AS 
SELECT SUM(species_impacted) AS 'No. of animals impacted', country_code FROM ((SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_1) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_2) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_3) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_4)) AS all_fatalities WHERE country_code IN (SELECT country_code FROM events WHERE magnitude >= 6 AND natural_disaster_id = 2) GROUP BY country_code HAVING SUM(species_impacted) > 100; 

-- Assessing wildlife impact of natural disasters: Total number of times greater than 100 animals were impacted by moderate to severe earthquakes 
SELECT * FROM species_impacted; 
SELECT COUNT(country_code) FROM species_impacted;

Impact of earthquakes on wildlife

According to the earthquake magnitude scale, magnitudes greater than 6 can cause severe destruction. The subquery will allow the user to find the countries and their respective number of animals impacted for all moderate to severe earthquakes where number of species impacted were greater than 100.

This can then be compared with total number of earthquakes of magnitude greater than 6 (which can also be customised to each country if needed) using the following query.

SELECT COUNT(country_code) AS 'Number of earthquakes of magnitude >= 6' FROM events WHERE magnitude >= 6 AND natural_disaster_id = 2; 

A percentage can be established that will demonstrate the % that more than 100 animals/wildlife were impacted during moderate to severe earthquakes. This will demonstrate the true impact of one type of natural disaster on wildlife. Given the amount of data collected so far, this amounts to around 31% which is a relatively high figure (4/13 times).

Note that the figures are based on only major natural disasters that have taken place and might not account for all types of wildlife species impacted.

SELECT COUNT(country_code) AS 'Number of earthquakes of magnitude >= 6', country_code FROM events WHERE magnitude >=6 AND natural_disaster_id = 2 GROUP BY country_code ORDER BY COUNT(country_code) desc;

Given the current data collected, the output is: earthquakes destructive >= 6

From the output, it can be observed that Japan had the highest number of destructive earthquakes during the period of 2000-2022.

-- And to generally find out number of massively destructive earthquakes (magnitude > 6) during 2000-2022 in % to total number of earthquakes 

SELECT COUNT(country_code) AS 'Number of earthquakes of magnitude >= 6' FROM events WHERE magnitude >=6 AND natural_disaster_id = 2;

SELECT COUNT(country_code) AS 'Total number of earthquakes' FROM events WHERE natural_disaster_id = 2;

-- % of earthquakes that had a significant impact (magnitude >=6) is: 93 % during the period of 2000-2022 as of current data collection. 

As an example, we can compare the number of hurricanes during the period of 2000-2022 to find which country has had the highest number of hurricanes.

SELECT COUNT(country_code) AS 'Number of Hurricanes', country_code FROM events WHERE natural_disaster_ID = 7 GROUP BY country_code ORDER BY COUNT(country_code) desc;

U.S.A had the highest number of hurricanes during the period of 2000-2022 as of current data collection.

The importance of certain methods to deal with the disaster can be analysed by creating a query to identify the number of incidents where a certain method has been used (in this instance, the importance of funds for disaster relief).

-- Number of times 'funds' were a method used to deal with aftermath of disaster 
SELECT country_code, method_to_deal_with_disaster FROM recovery WHERE method_to_deal_with_disaster LIKE '%fund%'; 

SELECT count(country_code) FROM funds;

The above result can be compared with the total number of disasters to establish the importance of receiving funds either from the government or private sector in dealing with the aftermath of a disaster. Further analysis into the correlation between methods to deal with disaster and number of days of recovery can be done to learn more about which methods have been effective in dampening the impact of natural disasters.

Other trends can be identified by changing the GROUP BY condition accordingly or using JOIN statements. For example, a trend can be established with magnitudes of a certain disaster such as earthquakes, number of fatalities and dates of disasters. By first getting data using the SELECT statement, a graph with time as the independent variable and other variables such as number of fatalities and magnitudes as the dependent variables can be used to derive relationships.

In this instance, a causal relationship between magnitudes of earthquake and number of fatalities over time cannot be established (despite a priori hypothesis and intuition). In most instances, since correlation is not causation, more information is needed to establish trends.

-- Relationship between magnitudes of earthquakes and number of fatalities over time (2000-2022)
CREATE VIEW magnitude_and_fatalities_view AS
(SELECT, c.natural_disaster_ID, c.magnitude, d.number_of_fatalities FROM events c INNER JOIN fatalities_table_1 d ON = UNION ALL (SELECT, c.natural_disaster_ID, c.magnitude, e.number_of_fatalities FROM events c INNER JOIN fatalities_table_2 e ON = UNION ALL (SELECT, c.natural_disaster_ID, c.magnitude, f.number_of_fatalities FROM events c INNER JOIN fatalities_table_3 f ON = UNION ALL (SELECT, c.natural_disaster_ID, c.magnitude, g.number_of_fatalities FROM events c INNER JOIN fatalities_table_3 g ON =; 

-- Full view and condition to find relationship between magnitudes of earthquakes and number of fatalities over time
SELECT * FROM magnitude_and_fatalities_view; 
SELECT * FROM magnitude_and_fatalities_view WHERE natural_disaster_ID = 2 ORDER BY magnitude asc; 

-- Total number of fatalities by natural disaster type and country 
SELECT natural_disaster_ID, country_code, SUM(number_of_fatalities) AS 'Total number of fatalities' FROM ((SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_1) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_2) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_3) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM fatalities_table_4)) AS all_fatalities_table2 GROUP BY country_code, natural_disaster_ID;  

magnitude and fatalities

SELECT c.country_code, SUM(d.displaced_or_injured) AS 'Total displaced or injured', e.organisations AS 'Organisations that have offered help' FROM other_impacts d INNER JOIN countries c ON d.country_code = c.country_code  INNER JOIN support e ON c.country_unique_ID = e.country_unique_ID GROUP BY c.country_code, e.organisations ORDER BY SUM(d.displaced_or_injured) desc;  

total displaced/injured and organisations that have offered support

Further Questions/Extensions and Limitations




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